Well, my life has been extremely mundane lately... the most exciting thing that's happen is May-May literally running into a fence... oh yes, and she slipped on wet asphalt while chasing another squirrel and got some pretty bad road rash on her legs, but that's really about it. BUT: Ander and I have now officially been in Austin for one whole year! Yes, I know, it sounds crazy but this year has actually flown by. We've had some really good times here in Austin, even though we're still technically just getting our lives started. Here are a few of the good times:
1. We got our little May-May who we absolutely love and adore
2. We absolutely LOVE our ward. There isn't a better ward in the whole world
3. I was called as the ward chorister
4. I was also called as the Primary chorister (There is no better calling folks)
5. I was able to turn myself into a pretty darn good Esthy over at Bradz and got myself a raise
6. Ander has found some HUGE BASS
7. Ander has placed top three in many tournaments this year (small payouts, but that's not what matters is it?)
8. I got a new car!
9. We found a mechanic we love and trust
10. We became Costco members and feel like we are higher up in society because of it
11. May-May now knows how to sit, lay down, roll over, shake, speak, and stay. She also knows how to take something from Mama to Papa, which comes in handy when we're cleaning different rooms. Quite the accomplishment
12. I beat Final Fantasy VII after 75 hours of gameplay
13. We got through the hottest summer Austin has seen in years and were just fine
14. We visited the San Antonio Temple at least once
15. And last but not least: with the help of Austin's public library, I read 47 different novels this last year.
I can't thank the library enough for all the wonderful stories they've introduced me to! I don't know where I would be without my library card. I broke it down and that's almost a book a week. I want to thank my brother Joe who got me hooked on the classics with Dracula last October, and Ander for putting up with my constant need to tell him exactly what's going on in my stories, and the library for putting up with me constantly. I had no idea that moving to Austin would cause me to become such a book lover. And as if the first list wasn't enough, these books were my favorites (in no particular order):
1. Ender's Game
2. Watership Down
3. Jurassic Park
4. Life of Pi
5. Call of the Wild
6. White Fang
7. Slaughterhouse Five
8. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
I found this wonderful website called
goodreads.com and it has been a huge help in finding more books to read. I have created another good, long booklist for this next year with books like The Hunger Games (thanks to you Lonna), Eats, Shoots & Leaves, The Count of Monte Cristo, Dune, The Book Thief, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Water For Elephants. Check out my shelves on goodreads for a complete list.
So far we love Austin. We miss our families very much, but we believe Heavenly Father sent us here for a reason, and we sure feel like we belong here. Things are looking up for the next year so BRING IT ON!