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Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Welcome to 2011
I have never had very pretty eyelashes. My mom has shorter, straighter lashes, so I got them too. Of course Katie has long lashes and when she wears mascara they look amazing. I have spent so much money on the "newest" mascara, "voluminous" mascara, "telescopic" mascara... and none of them work. I just have to deal with the fact that I have little baby lashes that are straight and that's that.
Well no more!
Welcome to 2011 where you can literally pay to have eyelash extensions applied to your lashes. It's a pretty long process. Takes about an hour to and hour and a half, but the results are definitely worth it. They can last up to two months and the best part is, you don't ever have to wear mascara!
I have always wanted to become an eyelash extensionist, but it's expensive to take classes, and I just never made it happen. Luckily, The Nature Company had plans for me. My owner, Martha, decided she wanted me and the other esthy, Brittany, to learn. Viola! The fruits of my labors!
Mary's eyelashes before extensions

Mary's eyelashes after extensions

Patricia's eyelashes before

Patricia's eyelashes after

Erin's eyelashes before

Erin's eyelashes after

I love doing eyelash extensions. I'm such a meticulous person, I love the fact that I get to make my guest's eyelashes look perfect. And everyone is always so happy and excited after getting them, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I have to do 10 more models until I can begin charging full price... which I won't even say on here because it's expensive. But I like the title "extensionist". It sounds very fancy. I think I'll keep it.
It's begun...
Ladies and gentleman, may I introduce to you THE MOST ADDICTING GAME IN THE WORLD! Oh yes, my friends, for a small fee of five to eight dollars, plus and Xbox, you can have hours of entertainment at your fingertips! Play with friends or just by yourself and you battle through alien infested swamps, libraries, and control rooms. Customizable options mean you can never play the same way twice! Come and get yours today!
*Note: Results may vary depending on how well you aim. Microsoft cannot be held accountable for hours of your life you may lose playing this game, as well as hours of sleep you might not receive from playing said game. Questions or concerns? Just turn the dang thing off. You've been playing too much anyway.

Ander and I have finally started playing Halo... need I say more?
DIY fun paper ornament
This fun little guy took me a little while, but it was definitely worth it. I found the tutorial here. I really love this lady's blog, she has the cutest ideas. I really loved making my own ornament. I did exactly what she told me, except I glued the rubber bands to the actual ornament, just in case there was any slippage. I would love to make these into lanterns somehow, but I haven't quite figured out how to make that happen.
And on a happy note, I made this the other night for dinner. (This is for you mom)
This, my friends, is what my mom and I named Macaroni Special when I was little. It used to be my favorite dinner in the whole world! Box of macaroni noodles, spaghetti sauce, and hamburger. I hadn't eaten it in a long time. *sigh* I love the taste of nostalgia...
I have come to the realization that my dog has OCD. I love May-May, she's is basically like a child to me, but I've noticed that sometimes she does strange things...
Case #1: Her food dish
Her food bowl has two places to put food. It's the one we used for her when she was a puppy, water in one side, food in the other. Now we just fill both sides with food. May-May will not touch the food until both sides are full. If ONE side is empty, and the other is completely full, she still won't touch the food. She paws at the bowl and moves it all over the kitchen until we fill the other side.
Case #2: Things MUST be in they're rightful places
I finally finished my headband holder a little while back, and after it was finally done, I set it in our room on my vanity, turned out the lights and walked out. About a half hour later, I hear May-May begin barking back in our bedroom. She was barking like crazy, so I literally thought someone was hiding in our bedroom. When I went in there with her, she was staring at my headband holder. I put it on the ground and she started barking again, jumping around the holder like it was about to bite her. She finally got up the courage to come and sniff it, and once she did, she was fine. I had to have her watch me put it away so she knew it belonged there. She's never had a problem with it since.
The same thing happened when I moved a trash can to prop a door open. She freaked out at the trash can almost giving me a heart attack in the process. Once I moved the trash can back to where it normally was she was perfectly fine.
Case #3: Potty
May-May has a really hard time going potty quickly. She circles the ground at LEAST 10 times before finally squatting. Each time she circles she moves either left or right, and watching her it seems and though she literally is trying to find the right spot that feels good to her so she can do her business. This drives me insane because I'll spend 10 minutes outside with her just waiting for her to find her "spot".
Needless to say, May-May is weird. I love her, she's my baby, but she's so weird sometimes! None of these quirks can really be fixed, either. We just have to take her the way she is, warts and all.
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