Yikes January went fast! All of a sudden I'm looking and the calendar thinking, "Where did January go?" But whether I like it or not, it's officially February, which is one of my favorite months and I'll tell you why:
1. Our anniversary. This February makes our 4th year being married! I can't believe it!
2. My birthday is in February
3. And of course, Valentine's Day
It's a pretty packed month, as you can see, so I'll be waiting to see what Mr. Meine has planned for said events :)
Things haven't really been crazy around here, they've just been very laid back. I like that a lot, but then again when that happens, I don't blog as much. But I figured I'd put our Christmas pictures up because this last Christmas was pretty great.
We actually had a pretty good little pile of presents going on there under our tree. It surprised us, because that happened only a couple of days before Christmas morning
May-May knew she had presents under the tree. Everytime she walked by that tree she'd sniff her boxes. Smart cookie.
For Christmas morning breakfast we made breakfast burritos and they were SO DELICIOUS!
I'm stoked
On to present opening! This here's our lovely digital camera that dad sent us
Katie got some snazzy UVU socks from the parental units back home

May-May was stoked about her gifts, but she didn't know what to do with them, so we had to help her
Kaje is stoked on life
Okay. Ander is laughing like that because that little tiny present he's holding in his hand magically appeared there. I was sitting over by the tree, and I threw that present at him to open next, and the present literally slipped right under his fingers. That position his hand is in was the exact position it was in when I threw it. It was a Christmas miracle :)
More socks! From us this time!
What else would you expect for Ander?
Joe was the coolest brother ever and sent me and Katie Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for Playstation!
Wiiiiii! Thanks mom!
Now this is where I'm going to SEAMLESSLY connect that Christmas morning with me and Ander's post Christmas morning we had on January 16th. It's a long story, and it's all blah blah blah, so we just had our Christmas for each other late.
FINALLY! I had been asking to buy this since October and it took Ander THIS LONG to let me have it.
A digital watch to put on his boat steering wheel. I don't ask questions, I just buy him what he asks for. Makes sense to me.
Ander gave me this giant present and for the life of me I could not figure out what was in it...
Of course. The good old "put-a-tiny-present-in-a-huge-box" gag. Lame. Super stoked about the giftcard though.
Wire cutters.
A new digital clock to go in my car since my car's died. (Forgive the random solemn smile. I was pretty happy to have a new clock)
Ander has needed new dress shirts since he came home from his mission, but he's lazy and doesn't want to buy more. So I had to.
Bring on the kettlebell! I've been on a workout kick lately and I read that kettlebells burn 20 calories per minute! Ander bought me a kettlebell with a DVD and it's amazing!
You can't really see them, but I got Ander a Frogg Toggs rain suit for Christmas. They're super lightweight and they keep you dry when it rains and your out fishing.
One of my favorite artists is James Christensen, and Ander bought me a 1500 piece puzzle of one of his works! How cool is that? Which one, you ask? You'll just have to wait until I finish it!
All in all, our Christmas was great. The only thing that was a bummer was that we were so far from home. I really missed my family this year, and it was really hard. But we had a lot of fun and we are planning on coming home for Christmas 2011, so prepare yourselves!
That's it for Christmastime. It was a great holiday, and as I say goodbye for now I leave you with an awesome picture I snapped of May-May with my new camera:
Adios for now!