Monday, July 30, 2012

Up and at them!!!


I don't feel like getting "up" or "at" anything.

About six months or so ago I was on fire. I worked out every night, I ate healthy, I enjoyed the workouts that I was doing and I was really please with the way I was beginning to look and feel. I got that wonderful question, "Have you lost weight?" more often than not, and my clothes all started to fit better. I could walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded, and I could load and unload groceries without batting an extended eyelash...

Fast forward to July 2012:

Now I have none of that going for me at all. I just looked at myself in the mirror today and saw some serious pudge going on in my midsection. Actually, it has never really been my middle that had needed work, it's my hips/love handles. Or as I call them, my hate handles.

I can't really figure it out. Why was I so on the ball back then? What changed? I still work just as much as before, I still love my job, I still have the same amount of stuff to do regarding my church calling, but why am I such a slug?

I really wish I could find some sort of cardio activity that I just love. I've never been a runner, swimming gets boring, I suck at any sport, and my dancing is still super fun but there are only so many times I can dance to the same song on my dance games and feel satisfied. I think back to my gymnastic days when I was little and remember how fit I was. I loved that stuff! But what sort of future is there in gymnastics? No... it was never practical to keep that up.

Walking I can do. Uphill, downhill, with May-May, with Ander, by myself, on a treadmill... I can do that. The problem is that it is SO HOT here in Austin I feel like my brain is melting when I'm outside.

My other problem is Pinterest. I LOOOOOOOVE Pinterest as much as the next crafty girl, but my problem with Pinterest is this: that website is so full of awesome inspirational pictures, quotes, recipes, and workouts for women. But on the other hand Pinterest is chock full of recipes that are basically guaranteed to put the pound ON. What sense does that make? It's incredibly irritating, and what's even more irritating is that there is no way to fix it.

Forgive me for my rant, but I am bummed that I lost that fire under my little behind. I was so good at it for a while! People even noticed! But now all I want to do is lay on the couch with my hubby and my puppy and watch a movie. OR even worse, I want to just read or play a video game. This is a problem, because my job is completely sedentary, so my home life shouldn't be. I have got to get active again, but it's so hard. Being fit is a decision and it's a lifestyle. It can't really be something that you just do every once in a while. I guess I just have to suck it up and do it one of these days... the first step is always the hardest.

So I guess I'll start tomorrow... or the next day... or the next day... or the next...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I told her to wait for me because I'd be right back from getting the mail. Apparently she did.