Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some ranting

I know this sounds weird, but I have to rant about something for a minute...

When you come into my room to receive a facial from me, please remove your nose stud. I literally pulled a girl's nose stud out of her nose with one of my towels during her facial once. I have been terrified ever since that I'm going to rip out the piercing if you don't take it out yourself. I know, I know, it's difficult to take out sometimes, or it's uncomfortable to take out, but seriously, it's really hard to give you a good facial when I'm worried about that dumb little stud.

Now I know this little rant sounds stupid, but this happens more than you would think.

Thanks for your time. I feel better now

On a happier note, I have started reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt and I cannot read that book fast enough. My eyes can't take the words in fast enough. Most curious book I've ever read.

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