Well, I got these pictures a little while ago from pops-in-law but in all honesty I've been too lazy to post them. Our computer struggles slightly when it comes to uploading photos from iPhoto so when I upload a bunch onto a post I need to have ample amounts of time and other things to do.
This is the villa we stayed in. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a family room, kitchen, and dining room. I thought it was pretty snazzy. And since it was the Westin, we got to sleep in Westin Heavenly Beds. I thought I was sleeping on a cloud. Best night's sleep I've had in a long time.

Hey Joel!


Sunbathing. My legs look huge. This is when the sun literally burned an outline of my cross necklace into my skin. It was pretty great.

Hannah and Ander making their sand fish

Cool guy. Can you believe he got the least amount of sun out of all of us?

This restaurant was called La Tapa, where you definitely pay for how your food looks instead of the portion. I tried Tuna Tartar, and it was amazing.

All the kids gathered to watch How to Train Your Dragon on HBO one night. It's one of my favorite movies, and we had just recently told Joel he needed to see it. Apparently it was divine intervention because it came on TV the next night and we watched the whole thing, while eating take out dinner.

This restaurant was the one that had tiny condiments and the little baby sunhat for it's hot sauce. It was located at Caneel Bay. 14$ for a turkey wrap. Mmmm mmmm.
The beginnings of our sea critter adventures.

This, my friends, is what a conch looks like. I had no idea that these were the things living in those shells. It even had a little eyeball!

Look at the man go!

The end of our critter tour. For the life of me I can't remember our tour guide's name. But she was great. She was a lot braver than I am.

The end of our trip. We're all pretty burned (except Joel), and we're all tired, but it was a lot of fun.

And now for fishy pictures! I picked the very best ones. These giant sea urchins were everywhere! One ever got Kelly on the foot. They are pretty scary looking.
Well there you have it. The Virgin Islands part 2. It was a blast and we wish we could go again sooner. St. John's was beautiful, and hopefully someday we'll make it back there.
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