This week for mutual we taught the Young Women how to dance. I've chaperoned one of the stake dances before and it was a sad sight. No one was dancing, everyone just stood around singing the words to the songs to their friends. Did I do that when I was 14?...probably. So that's why we wanted to teach them how to do some simple dances. We want them to actually DANCE when they go to the youth dances.
It was a really fun night. I got in there and learned the dances with them, and most of them were lame, but that's okay. One of my Mia Maids was the teacher, so you can bet things got a little crazy.
But by the end of the night everyone was in such a good mood, they decided to turn on one last song and go crazy
Can you see the fruits of our labor? Me neither. That's okay, they had fun and that's what matters.
Ander was walking out of the room and I was begging him to bust some moves for the girls, but he told me he didn't do it on command... he just had to feel it. What a bum.
Madison Smith was the first girl that ran up to the camera, and the one who said I was her favorite. That warmed my little heart. Next was Jordan Roberts, then Jordan Freeze, and last was Mary Kelley. Incidentally, these girls are all Mia Maids of mine.
After this song was over I had a great conversation with two of my Mia Maids, Jordan and Mary. Jordan and Mary are both 14 years old.
Jordan: "Mary, can you believe that I've actually met some people who don't know who One Direction is? Ugh! That's like, so crazy huh?"
Old Sister Meine: "Uh... I don't know who...O-o-one Direction is..."
Jordan and Mary gape at me.
Jordan: "YOU don't know who ONE DIRECTION is??? Sister Meine!!!"
Old Sister Meine: "Well... I don't exactly listen to your music Jordan... I'm ten years older than you."
more gaping
Mary: "I bought my tickets to go see them. I'm so excited!!!!"
Jordan: "You're going to see them!? I'm like, so jealous!!"
Really Old Sister Meine: "So... One Direction is to you guys who N'Sync was to me, right?"
even more gaping
Mary: "Sister Meine, you don't understand. I've NEVER been this obsessed with a band. EVER."
I wasn't like that at 14, was I?
Oh wait. Yes. Yes I sure was. And it was glorious.
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