Thursday, May 16, 2013

The most unbelievable thing I've ever heard a client say:

I had a younger client today... I'm guessing she is about 20. She nannies for another client of mine who I absolutely adore.


I know we have all heard the grammar butcherings of certain words or phrases. For your enjoyment, I've come up with a few I know you'll like:
"I guess I really took that for granite."
"I expecially love that one!'
"Whenever I was at the store the other day,"
"That's to funny!"
"Out team won because we pulled a complete 360,"
"That bugs me alot."

This younger client was telling me about staying at a her grandparents' ranch. Apparently, her cousin was there with her baby, and the baby was in a Pack 'n' Play. You know, one of these?
Anyway, my client told me that she saw some mice at this ranch, and what came out of her mouth literally almost made me drop my tweezers:
"Yeah, I kept seeing these mice. And what really mindblowed me was that one of them was crawling on the Park 'n' Play!! Can you believe that? That's disgusting."



Not to mention she called the Pak 'n' Play a PARK 'n' Play.

She also said in a different story about finding a huge spider in her dorm, " I realized I just had to bulk up and kill it myself."
Yup. I bulk up to kill spiders too.

That's all folks, I think I've officially heard the worst. Never in my life have I been so horrified by a word butchering. I'll take expecially over mindblowed any day.

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