Friday, November 21, 2014

These past few weeks have been slightly challenging, but Charlotte wasn't what was challenging about them. She has been the easy part through ALL of the past two and half months.

We were struggling to get our schedules worked out because we couldn't find child care for Charlotte on Mondays, and our rent has gone up $100 for the next year and that puts us in a really crappy financial position.

But I'm happy to say that we did eventually find some child care with someone I trust, and our schedules have been worked out. We still don't quite know what to do about our living situation, but I have faith that that will work out as well. I was more worried about our schedules and who was going to watch Charlotte for just a few hours each Monday. I can now breathe a sigh of relief! For the month of December I will be working Mondays, Wednesdays, and half days on Saturdays, but starting in January I'll work half days Mondays, then Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's perfect. That way Ander can work at the bank and do fishing guide trips on the weekends, and I get to spend plenty of time with my beautiful little baby girl.

Speaking of...

We just can't get enough of her! And she's beginning to hold her head up quite a bit these days. Any day now she'll be able to just lift her head and look around, I'm sure. She has also almost completely grown out of her newborn clothes. 3 month clothing is still just a teensy bit too big, but she's getting there. Good thing too since all her newborn onesies wouldn't stand up to the wintertime... not that we get THAT cold here in Texas. But we all have thin blood here in Austin, and after a crazy hot summer 50 degrees feels absolutely freezing!

Duty calls, it's time to feed the munchkin. :)

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