I have been released from my calling as Ward Chorister of the Anderson Mill Ward. I am now back down to only one calling, Primary Chorister, and I feel pretty good about it. I must admit, I am pretty relieved to be released. This last Sunday was my last day leading the ward. I did it for over a year and really enjoyed it for the most part... unless the Music Chair decided to have us all sing really awkward hymns nobody knew, or the substitute for the organist couldn't play the hymns to save his life. Those things did happen occasionally. Overall I really enjoyed that calling. And it taught me discipline because I was the chorister during the entire year of 9am church and I had to be there 10 minutes earlier than anyone else. Oh but it will be nice to just stay seated next to my better half all during Sacrament Meeting. Hizzah! I was told that I wasn't going anywhere as far as Primary was concerned for a looooooong time, though. Straight from the Bishopric's mouths. But that's alright, I don't have anywhere else I'd rather be.
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