Friday, August 26, 2011

Hilariously crazy

The other day a Master Stylist AKA Best stylist the Lash Lounge has to offer, came and visited us at our little shop here in Austin. Her name is Kathy, and she's great. She came to check up on us and see how we were all doing in our lash extending adventures. We all went to lunch together and she told us this story:

This little old lady, Betty, liked getting her lashes done at the Lash Lounge in Dallas, or rather, the Plano TX shop. She was about 70 years old, wheeled a little oxygen tank around with her, and was on a lot of medications. Her medications made her entire body itch like crazy, so as she got her lashes done she would scratch different parts of her body constantly. She moved all over the place, and it was extremely hard for the stylist to actually get lashes on her, as she was literally always a moving target.
One day Betty showed up in front of the shop 45 minutes past her hour long appointment time.
Kathy: "Jamie, her husband drove her here because she can't drive. Hurry and run out there and tell her we can't take her because she's so late. Quick before she gets out of her car!"
Jamie: "Right." Runs out to the car
Betty is already of the car at this point, oxygen tank in tow
Jamie: (In a thick, throaty southern accent) "Betty I'm sorry, but we just can't take you today. You're appointment was 45 minutes ago and we just can't get you in. I'm so sorry!"
Betty: ........" I want my lashes."
Jamie: "I know sweetie pie, I know. But you're 45 minutes late to your appointment and we just can't do it today."
Betty:......."I WANT MY LASHES!"
Jamie: runs into the shop "Kathy, she won't listen to me!"
Betty's husband: gets out of the car "Come on honey, let's go. You're late and they can't take you today."
Betty: "I WANT MY LASHES!" Grabs onto a tree and begins hugging it "I WANT MY LASHES!"
When Kathy comes to the front, she sees Betty hanging onto a tree for dear life screaming "I WANT MY LASHES!" at the top of her lungs while her husband is pulling on her from behind. She's also hitting him with one of her shoes, while hanging onto the tree and her oxygen tank with the other arm.
A passerby sees what's going on and thinks this man is abusing this woman, so he calls the cops. A fire-truck and three cop cars show up to the shop and literally have to place a hospital gurney in front of the Lash Lounge doors to keep Betty from getting inside
"I WANT MY LASHES!" she yells to the cops. All of the clients that have now finished their appointments are waiting inside because the gurney is blocking their way out. This is the most mortifying moment in Kathy's work history.
As things calm down, Betty's son comes to pick her up.
Kathy: "Jamie, just you watch. Betty's gonna come in here and ask to reschedule her appointment."
Jamie: "Naw Kathy, she wouldn't do that. You're crazy."
Betty's son approaches the front desk while his mom is sitting in his car.
Betty's son: "Uh..... yes, um, my mother would like to reschedule her appointment with y'all...." awkward look
Kathy then explains to him that they can no longer have Betty as a client, because of her medication, and because of the spectacle today, and because she's habitually late, and she apologized but said they would not reschedule her. Betty's son looked terrified and said, "Thank you." and walked out.
Now you all KNOW that he waited until he got her home before he told her she could never go back. And she called every single day for two weeks straight begging to get her lashes done. Then end.

Wasn't that story fun? I thought so. I looked at Teresa after we all wiped the tears from laughing out of our eyes and said, "well, looks like we have some good times to look forward to. There's bound to be some crazies around here!"

Dear Heavenly Father, please bless that we don't ever. EVER. have miss Betty hanging onto a tree screaming that she wants her lashes. Amen.

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