I found a P.S. on the back of the last entry's page:
"P.S. Tonight we went to a play called "Stones in His Pockets." It was a two man play, and they were Irish. It was hard to understand, but the main story line is: These two guys, Charlie and Jake are extras in this movie. The main star is a movie star, and both guys think she's really pretty, and she's all good, so Jake's cousin, Sean didn't get to be in the movie and he sees "Caroline", the big star, in a pub. He runs up to her and tries to talk to her, but she has him thrown out for asking if he can at least be an extra. Jake and Charlie are in the bar and Caroline walks off with Jake! Sean is so embarrassed by being thrown out, and he watches her walk off with Jake, so the next day he puts stones in his pockets and drowns himself. He was also on drugs. Jake gets an idea and tells the director that has an idea of a movie. It's about a boy's life, and called "Stones in His Pockets." It was good, but it said the F-word a lot and was kinda hard to understand. That's okay."
Stones in His Pockets was by far the strangest show I've ever seen. It was hard to understand, since it was acted by only two men, and they really did have awful language. That's really all I remember, but I do remember feeling so weird when we left. It was a weird show....
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