Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A couple of days ago our AT&T modem bit the dust. We were really only without internet for 4 days or so, and I had internet at work, but I FELT SO DISCONNECTED FROM THE WORLD! And for all of you that are wondering, no, I did not miss Facebook. I missed being able to look up lyrics to that song on the radio, or how to get the Sword Familiar in Castlevania, or look up Groupons for Ander and me, and I still have journal entries to post! A couple of them, really.

When I called AT&T to ask why our connection had gone out, I opted to talk to a representative and the invisible robot at the end of the line said, "Please stay on the line, a representative will be with you shortly. Most troubleshooting problems can also be addressed at www.att.com/support." Well thanks, AT&T. The reason I'm calling you guys is to get my internet working so I can go to said site!

I hate to say it, but this day and age, everyone needs to have an internet connection. I hate all the people who are on it on their phones all day, I think that is excessive. But as far as the home goes, if you don't have internet you really lose touch with everything! I felt like I did. When we got our new modem in the mail yesterday I couldn't wait to get it up and running. And here I am... blogging. I do have multiple journal entries to do, so I'll do those either tonight or tomorrow night if I can.

And another thing: my friend Emily Smith got engaged, and I'm so happy for her! Being married is wonderful!


1 comment:

  1. Have to tell you...we went through about 5 modems with AT&T. All of them would give us spotty service and they swore it wasn't the equipment etc. I finally went with Clear wireless and I am more than pleased...Just a thought! BTW...I'm going to try (ok, let's be honest!) I'm going to have my girls try the enchiladas! They look yummy and easy!
