Monday, March 29, 2010

Mod Podge once again

This was a really quick little project but it was a lot of fun. I found a vase at Goodwill for 99 cents and Mod Podged yarn around the outside. I bought some cute silk flowers from the craft store and made my own little decorative vase. What do you think? Since I bought a silk flower bouquet the project cost me a whole four dollars. And, I bought the flowers in a bouquet, so I'm using the leftover flowers to make hair accessories too. Yay for cheap crafts!


It is FINISHED! Ander and I finally finished our dresser that we bought from DI! We bought this bad boy three years ago with the intention of refurbishing it somehow, but never started on it until we moved here. We just put the finishing touches on it this morning. I'm so proud!

My good friend and talented artist, Amber, taught me how to decoupage the sheet music onto the drawer fronts. Sorry about the flash reflection, but this is what the drawers look like.

It was so much fun decoupaging those drawers and I've now become obsessed with Mod Podge. It was 6 bucks at Wal-Mart and you can completely transform anything with it. I'm currently keeping up with the blog for ideas. Some people are just so daggum creative it makes me angry. I have noticed that when I'm looking at other people's ideas I begin to form my own, so I guess my creativity just needs a little bit of exercise.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ah, sweet release

I have been released from my calling as Ward Chorister of the Anderson Mill Ward. I am now back down to only one calling, Primary Chorister, and I feel pretty good about it. I must admit, I am pretty relieved to be released. This last Sunday was my last day leading the ward. I did it for over a year and really enjoyed it for the most part... unless the Music Chair decided to have us all sing really awkward hymns nobody knew, or the substitute for the organist couldn't play the hymns to save his life. Those things did happen occasionally. Overall I really enjoyed that calling. And it taught me discipline because I was the chorister during the entire year of 9am church and I had to be there 10 minutes earlier than anyone else. Oh but it will be nice to just stay seated next to my better half all during Sacrament Meeting. Hizzah! I was told that I wasn't going anywhere as far as Primary was concerned for a looooooong time, though. Straight from the Bishopric's mouths. But that's alright, I don't have anywhere else I'd rather be.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Out of the loop

It seems that all of my friends around me are getting pregnant and I'm beginning to feel the pressure. Two of my friends just had new babies a couple months ago, another one of my friends just had a new baby three weeks ago, and just tonight two more of my friends announced that they were pregnant as well! *sigh* I'll tell you all right now folks... IT'S NOT HAPPENING. Not yet at least. Nope, I still don't feel ready to have a tiny tot. It isn't because I don't ever want to have kids, I just don't feel that this is the time for us to get pregnant. Ander tells me that he honestly doesn't care when we have kids, and just tonight after the big announcement of our friends he told me he felt more ready to have babies when we first got married than he does now! Me? I've never felt like it was time. Ever. I'm so happy for all of my friends, and their babies are darling, it's just not my time yet. I love kids. I feel like I'm good with kids. I hold babies all the time! I'm just 23 and I've only been married for three years and I still want to wait. Being Mormon is an even bigger pressure sometimes because of all the girls starting bigger families pretty young. It's just not my style and it never has been. You may say: "Oh but Susie, you never really feel ready... it's just something you have go for" No. I believe I'll never fully feel ready, but I also believe that there is a point and time that I will reach in my life where I will find out I am pregnant and not fall on the floor and cry for three days. In all honesty, I kind of have two kids already: a husband who I am constantly having to feed and a puppy that I am constantly cleaning up after. And for me right now, that's really all I can handle.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Over the moon

Ander and I don't really go out to eat much, it's expensive and we rarely ever have a night together when Ander doesn't work, but the other day we decided to stop by a little place before Ander went into work to grab a bite. Folks... hands down, THE BEST BURGER AND FRIES I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE.
Welcome to Moonie's Burger House!
We had driven by this place many, many times and always thought to ourselves that we wanted to check it out. The burgers themselves are about $5 and a combo with fries and a drink is a whopping $8, but we each got a burger and shared a side of fries and it suited us just fine. I don't think I've ever felt so stuffed in my life. The minute our mouths touched our food we were in heaven. What did Ander call it... oh yes, a burgasm.
If you don't mind country music being piped in through every corner of the room, Texas lone stars everywhere and a crew made up of a bunch of twenty-something kids, this is the place for you! I'm telling you, best burger and fries we've ever had.