Monday, September 26, 2011

"Disney gave me unreal expectations of love. Seriously. They never showed what happened after the couple got married. Snow White is probably still washing her prince's dishes, and Cinderella is still doing Prince Charming's laundry. I mean really... no one's true love just shows up on a horse..."

Right. Silly me.

(Sorry for the small picture. The original was deleted when I got a bad computer virus)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Austin is on fire

Austin has had a rough couple of days this past weekend. Fires started popping up all over Austin and the surrounding area. One of the fires was actually in our ward boundaries, but no one I know was affected. The fire was in an area called Steiner Ranch, where there is one way in and one way out. 4,000 homes were evacuated Sunday night.

The worst fire is in Bastrop. The fire has consumed 34,000 acres of land and it's still burning. The fire is literally the size of the state of Connecticut. It's been going on for four days and it still isn't contained.

Austin is so DRY! We haven't had any rain for months. If you all remember, please pray for Austin to receive some sort of moisture. Our city is literally burning.

Extreme Choppage

Ever since Ander quit his pest control job he hasn't shaved. I actually liked his beard, it was... ruggedly handsome. Although I do believe mustaches equal birth control so I wouldn't let him do the ENTIRE mustache/beard combo. But yesterday he finally decided to shave....

*sigh* I've pretty much banished him from all physical contact until he completely shaves. This is NOT attractive to me.

On a happier note, I finished reading The Pillars of the Earth and I LOVED IT! 997 pages of the best story ever! I always thought I was going to drag myself through it, but no, oh no, it was amazing. By the last few chapters I couldn't put it down. It's the story of a small village in England called Kingsbridge and how they are trying to build a big giant cathedral, and their struggle with the King. I know, it sounds totally lame. That's what I thought, but I had heard good things about it so I decided to read it. There are so many great characters woven throughout the book, and their stories all intertwine with one another's. I was very,  very happy with it. I think I've decided to read one humongous book a year... Last year was the Unabridged Count of Monte Cristo, and this year it was The Pillars of the Earth. I think next year will be Gone With the Wind.

And on an ever HAPPIER note: Ander got a job! He is going to be a part-time bank teller at Wells Fargo. Am I proud? Yes. Yes I am. He was only unemployed for three weeks. I was so scared that he wouldn't find anything, but he did it! I'm so proud of him!