Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dolphin discovery

I decided to put all of these pictures in a separate post, because my California post was very, very long. This post will also be sort of long, but that's because we got so many cool pictures from our dolphin encounter. It was a pretty fabulous experience, I have to say.

Just a side note: Maddy the dolphin literally POPPED right out of the water in my face the moment before this picture was taken. That's why I have my hand over my heart. I never saw her coming.

Book page wreath

I finally finished it! And I am so proud. I used the pages from one of my favorite books, Pillars of the Earth. (Don't worry, I went and found another copy so I didn't have to tear up my own!) I wanted the pages to mean something to me instead of using some weird book I found in a thrift shop. Let me know what you think!