Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blast from the past: July 3rd, 2000

July 3rd, 2000:

Denmark is so weird. We are at a small apartment now on the Danish island Fanø. It's really nice. We went to our first beach today and a whole bunch of the women were topless. Most of them were old and gross.

Joe and I came back and I've got to tell you about our last hotel because I'm way behind. The hotel we stayed in for the last 3 days was a Best Western and Joe, Katie and I got a room with a loft! It was so cool! Katie and I slept up there for two nights, while Joe slept down in the big bed. While Katie played Gameboy upstairs Joe and I watched "The Other Sister". It was a good movie. Anyways, the hotel actually had it's own dog! It was a huge St. Bernard, and it lived there! He was really cool, and his name was Olson. Then last night we were in Aalborg, Grandmas, Grandpa and Auntie Judy invited us to their MHA banquet. There, some kids asked if Joe and I would like to go to Tivoli Land! There were really nice, so we talked it over, and went. The boy, Chad, was really cute! He was 15 and his sister Lauren was 12, and they both were from Maryland! The other 11 year old girl was named Amber and was from Nevada. Her sister, I found out, was the recorder at the Cherry Hill fire! Her name was Annie. Then 3 other older kids came. 2 boys and a girl. All of them could go on the huge rides, except me. I was always left out. I went on rides in 3 hrs. I hated it! But it was fun talking to Lauren and "hot" Chad. I got their address. I'm very happy.

Tonight, Joe was P.O.'d because he wasn't having any connections with kids his age because "all the kids (he said) that are my age, dropped out of English, smoke, and were mean." Then we saw Joe talking to a boy his age who looked exactly his type. Then Joe came inside and said, "I found a Danish punk that speaks English!" We all were happy for him, and now it's 11:00 P.M. and he's not back yet. He said, two hours ago, that he was going to the kid's apartment.

Tonight I saw these kids, they were cute, but, they flipped me off. Well, one did like three times, the others smoked! But they all tried to impress me, but I was like, "pshhh." Oh well. Tomorrow: Amsterdam. More driving. I just want to go home, or go to London, or Scotland. I'm having a fun time but I'm so so so so so homesick!

Joe just brought his friend over. He is cute, and his name is Christian.

Ah, Fanø. Fanø was so pretty and quiet. Yes, I did see some boys who flipped me off for no reason whatsoever, and there were some pretty nasty topless ladies at the beach, but I remember Fanø being beautiful. And I've tried to find a good way to type out how to pronounce Fanø but for the life of me I can't come up with a way.

I also love that Joe claimed that all the kids his age in Fanø dropped out of English. That's pretty great.

And I do remember Christian! I know there's a picture somewhere of Joe and Christian too, I'll find it one of these days. He was wearing a T-shirt that had a band on it that Joe was really into, and that's how they connected. I remember the t-shirt said "NOFX" on it, which is the name of a popular band, but it had the Trix cereal rabbit on it. Mom took a leap of faith and said, "Oh, is that the Danish word for Trix cereal?" and Joe looked like he could have died. That was a pretty great moment.

That Best Western was a pretty cool place. Olson had free reign and could basically go wherever he wanted. He was big and slobbery, but he was nice. Joe also tried herring at that hotel for the first (and last) time ever in his life. He hated it. He said it was awful.

The Other Sister is a movie with Juliette Lewis and Diane Keaton in it. It's a good one. Watch it sometime.

I literally laugh out loud at these journal entries sometimes. I was such a 14 year old. I've been boy crazy since I left the womb, and these journal entries prove it. I'm always calling boys cute, or hot, or some other crazy word. It's all so comical to me now.

A few years before this trip the elementary school my mom taught at, Cherry Hill, had a massive fire. Somebody set fire to the playground after school was out for the day and it got out of control. Instead of gravel or woodchips our playground sat on shredded tire, so the flames spread quickly. News crews flooded the scene after the fire got out of control, and I was stupid enough to follow around a camera woman to try and get onto the evening news. That camera woman was one of the girls I ended up going to Tivoli with in Denmark years later. She was part of those kids we met at the banquet. She was obviously older than the rest of us, but that doesn't change the fact that we met each other halfway around the world from where we had first seen each other. I'm telling you... it's a small world. Oh, and she chided me for following her around when we were at Tivoli. She said I was being childish... which was true. We just laughed about it.

MHA is the Mormon History Association. I don't know a ton of details about them, but I think my grandpa Leonard started the whole thing when he was church historian. Go grandpa! Now they meet all around the world!

I promise I'll keep up with these entries from now on. Pinky promise.

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