Sunday, June 24, 2012


Ah ha! I had you all fooled. I had you all fooled that I had fallen off the the face of the blogger planet, didn't I? You all thought I was gone... yet, hark! Here I am!

Before you all get your panties in twists, I am AWARE that I fell off the face of the blogger planet for a while. I couldn't even really tell you why... maybe because our lives here in Austin are, well, BORING. Yes, even life in the Meine household can be boring at times. It's not that life is bad, things are going quite well in our little abode, but things are just... the same as ever. So I did get into a little bit of a blog funk because I felt that I didn't have a whole lot to share.


This last Easter weekend in April we both went home to visit the fam in Utah. Ander actually spent a few days down in Southern Utah to visit his family at the beginning of the week too. Hooray for families within driving distance!!

Ander's favorite Mexican restaurant of all time is in Orem, Utah. It's called Beto's. I think it's kind of gross, but that's just because I don't really appreciate super greasy Mexican food that comes from a shop that defies all health standards... but that's just me. These briefcases full of meat we have in our hands are the $3.50 breakfast burritos Beto's has to offer. I only at about 1/4 of mine, and Ander ate the rest later on in the trip.

And of course we had to visit one of MY favorite restaurants in Orem, Zupas. Oh, Zupas, how I miss you. I miss your fresh salads, sandwiches, and soups. This visit was right after we visited the Timpanogos Temple in American Fork (where Ander and I were married over five years ago)

Most of our time was spent chilling with the fam, and since Ander was gone for the first half of the week, I got to hang out with my sister Katie. My mom commissioned us to help her choreograph some songs for her 2nd graders. That was a hoot!

We could all be sisters, couldn't we?

 And here we ARE sisters!!

 The last night Ander and I were there Katie and I busted out my Wii and our favorite dance games. My step-mom Colleen's kids were all visiting just for a minute, and came downstairs to see what all the fuss was about. We all ended up doing Zumba for a good half hour. It was so awesome.

And of course the dancer out of all of us (Ander Meine!!) chose to sit out. Party pooper. Even Colleen got into it for a little while. She was my favorite. By the end of the Zumbathon my hair was coming out of it's style, everyone was sweaty, and everyone was exhausted. But on the bright side, we had just eaten Mexican food, so a good portion of that was burned off.

We had such a great time in Utah for out trip. It was so nice to be surrounded by my very favorite people in the whole world while I was there. Dancing, good food, family, what more could I ask for? Success!!

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